About 13 months ago my now 11 year old son got sick but to make a short story, for 5 months not his pediatrician, ER, urgen care, Stanford GI pediatrician, Childrens hospital, zoom functional Dr. Could find out what was going on with my son. I met Sahar on 12/2021 Decided to work with her and that was the best decision EVER. In January 2022 we received the results and she put my son in a protocol and worked with me daily. Now is almost October and even tho it has been a long journey and we are still in recovery I feel so thankful, feel so proud of my son, he was so brave with all of this. We could have not done it with out God first of all and Sahar. Gut issues most of the times doctors just give you a bandage and in the long run create more problems. Don't settle to leave suffering, even if a professional or family tells you, you might have to leave like that or if they say is all in your head. Because of my son's illness I also found cure of 8 years of gut issues. No more fiber and if I want to treat myself to some food with gluten I can now. Yay 😀 My view to food and read ingredients have 💯 changed 😀 Thank you Sahar !!