You represent westwind homeowners assc. and certified realty. Both are unprofessional lying jerks who destroyed my property and have told everyone they can I am a trouble maker, among other bad things, and I do not know why. I have never done a thing to deserve such treatment as their worker cussing me out from MY roof last week. you can't stop such abuse? Telling me I am a disgrace to Veterans because I have PTSD, trying to call my doctor at VA when asked to leave me alone, and quoting assc. rules that have never existed is proof enough the president is not thinking clearly and should retire. I have this all on my camcorder when needed. I guess I tell you hoping you could stop but I know you are just doing your job and have no control over these people. Still no fix from YOUR client, ONLY threats to COME after me for what they did I CAN SHOW YOU THE LATEST LETTER ANY TIME YOU WANT, ONLY A FEW MONTHS OLD!!!!!!!!!!!YOU CHOOSE YOUR CLIENTS SIR.