Google Review Written TODAY
Jons is ripping customers off on the sale items and they have been doing it for YEARS. I have been shopping there for over eight years and practically EVERY time I shop there I am ripped off on the sale items. For example, today, the Mazola Oil was supposed to be 128 oz for 13.49 but they only had 90 oz for 13.49 and you were supposed to get a free 2 bl bag of Mahatma rice when you bought the oil. They charged me for the rice 3.99. I did not get a refund. MANY times the sale paper shows that an item is on sale for a certain price and when you get up to the register you are charged full price for the items and when you ask the cashier why, they tell you that you have to buy 2 or 3 or 4 of the item to get the sale price. However; the sale paper does not specify this, so most people only buy one of the items and are charged full price instead of the sale price. Many times produce is on sale and when you run the produce through the register you are charged full price instead of the sale price. Jons is ALWAYS finessing the customers out of their money by luring them into the store on false pretenses through the sale papers that trick the customers. It's really ashamed. Watch out for the sale paper each week because it is a scam!