I no longer go to this clinic. I stopped going here after I went in for a rash on my face due to covid mask irritation. I was asked if I wanted to do a pap smear multiple times and I explained I did not go in for that and would feel more comfortable addressing what was going on on my face.
I also explained I was well aware i was over due because i had attempted a pap smear multiple times previously but my doctor had canceled 3 times, twice before covid even began.
I believe i said no to a pap smear to whoever i spoke to when i checked in, whoever saw me to the room, and finally the nurse taking all my info in the room. That final nurse would not accept no, and asked me 4 times before finally looking at me over her glasses and holding her gaze until I agreed. That is 7 times I had to say no to a procedure I did not go in for, for a visit I didn’t expect to get undressed for.
The doctor who finally came in advised basic acne care even though I insisted I had something bacterial on my face. They would not offer me any relevant testing and just insisted I had to wash my face.
I was only able to get care by calling and emailing Kaisers no-contact care they had/have. Going in for an appointment was a total waste. My Primary is almost never available and even if an appointment is made, they almost always cancel.
This just isn’t a medical provider that gives the impression they care at all.