On this past Labor Day we were southbound on I-5 en route to Portland to spend a few days there. Near Kalama, something in the roadway hit the front of our car very hard and so we exited at the next offramp to check for damage. There, on the side of the road, we found coolant pouring out from the bottom of the radiator.
Nearby we stopped at a truck stop/gas station to ask about a nearby repair shop before all the fluid was gone and we'd have to be towed. We were told about Kalama Auto Supply and Repair that was only a couple of miles away.
We drove cautiously to the shop only to find them closed for the holiday. We decided to leave our vehicle at the shop, write them a note detailing our issues, leave the key in the drop slot and arrange for a ride share to pick us up to take us the rest of the way into Portland.
There was a lot of uncertainty in this decision! However, the next morning (Tuesday), we received a call from the shop that put all of our fears at ease. We were told what the likely extent of the damages were, what the estimated cost of repairs would be, that the parts could be obtained and the repairs could likely be completed by end of business Thursday. This was fabulous news since our hotel reservations had us departing Portland on Thursday.
True to their word, at about noon on Thursday, we were informed that the repairs were completed. This was very happy news for us!
While the damage sustained was unfortunate, our experience with Kalama Auto Supply was the best! If you are in or near the area, and need your car serviced or repaired, these guys are awesome!