I'm not one to be negative on social media but I left one bad reviews on this company for betraying my trust and just found out I was blocked. Be careful because this company is new and they don't always hold up to their words. They also prefer blocking you and not trying to make things right.
My experience started out great. I pre-ordered a few cases of op09 one piece. Sent them the money. Weeks later they canceled my preorder except one because they said they were losing money. I know for a fact that distributors get them much much cheaper if they buy bulk. Because they canceled weeks in, now I can't pre order with others because at this point it's too late. They held my money for weeks and yeah.
On there website they are upselling the supposed shortage of stock that they couldn't fulfill and selling it for more than what we pre-ordered. It seems like they rather cancel people order and sell it at a higher cost. What's the point of pre-ordering and holding our money for weeks? Is it to use to pay for the preorder till you guys had enough?
Not only that but I brought in two other customer who also bought cases which were canceled and then I was supposed to get a referral discount which they couldn't give me anymore.
On there Facebook, they blocked my review and then blocked me on fb for just sharing my experience instead of trying to make amends.