I had an appointment for a pre-employment screening (which has its own ethical issues, that I won't get into) and showed up the requested 15 min early after driving an hour to get there. After a long wait, I was turned away for having an expired authorization, even though I had an updated one with a new expiration date a week in the future, easily visible on my form. But the worker told me nothing could be done since the updated form shared the same authorization number from an expired one.
I started to leave frustrated and upset, but calm, quiet, and collected; but the extremely unprofessional tech kept yelling at me: "don't be mad at me, be mad at the company!" She kept yelling that at me and followed me out of the lab, into the Walgreens yelling that to me, it was mostly embarrassing for her, and slightly for me. I should have gotten her name and recorded her for youtube. She was an older, short, grumpy Asian or Philapina lady (sorry, not sure how else to describe her). Thanks for wasting 2 hours of my life, a bunch of expensive gasoline, and a job opportunity, because I won't be going back there. I get that your job probably sucks, but come on, lady, don't jeopardize other people's livelihoods. You should probably go get a different job, but hopefully you don't have to use labcorp for a "pre-employment screening." Yikes, avoid at all costs!