A complete waste of time. One of the worst customer service experiences I’ve had. I had them look at a dishwasher. The parts were back ordered and unavailable. They couldn’t get a time frame. I was informed in a voicemail . When I returned the call the counter person couldn’t find any information about my repair request. A work order, a part Description, a part number. A reference to me, basically wanted to start over with everything. He Couldn’t have the technician return my call after he called me. Funny the tech tried to call me a couple days earlier. I was met with an attitude . No information about the problem except I should buy a new one. Choices and time frame is not his problem.. I’m thinking his showroom has several dishwashers in several price ranges to choose from, but no attempt was made to show or sell me one. Like he was bothered. Didn’t like or knew what he’s doing., Beneath him to attempt a sale. Surly for lack of knowledge and doing something that was beneath him, I felt he didn’t have a clue to customer service or sales. Possibly an entitled son of an owner or friend., untrained, and uninformed. Resentful because I’m asking for some resemblance of professional help. I was so motivated after attempting to buy from this business I went to Lowell’s and purchased a new dishwasher within minutes. Lowell’s sales person was friendly, knowledgeable, had choices, was trained and professional . Took less time then Lakewood was willing to just to find my missing paperwork. So Lakewood missed the repair, the sales, the installation . Save your time. Don’t shop here.