Le Mieux is a Korean Skincare line in Los Angeles. What makes these products truly awesome is the quality of their ingredientes (from Korea), Hyaluronic, based, and because they own the Lab, their prices are very Affordable. Here is an example: you can get your 5 essentials skincare rutine for about $250. I have been in the industry professionally for over 20 years now, and have learned that the quality and quantity of the main ingredientes on the product, is above all what makes the difference on your skin, Never the "brand", "price", or "location" where you purchased those products. So back to my years treating all skin types, the #1 product that I always recommended to my clients is SPF 50. When it comes to Sun Screens, there are many physical and quimical options, however my faborites are the physical sun blocks which contain natural minerals such as ZINC Oxide and Titaniun Dióxide. So here it is: JUST GLOW BB CREAM SPF 50 has 15.3% of Zinc and 10.5% of Titaniun. The Best=LE Mieux Productos.