Went in to have a gate maid. It was maid shorter then i asked for. The contract had a drawing on it and i agreed to the drawing. But then the gate was built to a different spec. When i brought it up i was told it would be fixed by the owner and other employes. It was built to specs i didnt sign off on the contract had other measurements not in my hand writing. The owner came a couple days later found out gate was the size i said and not what i asked for. He said he would not fix it and it was my fault for filling the form out wrong. But all i did was draw a gate with measurments and that drawing was ignored. The owner said and i quote " we build gates off the opening not what you drew up" even though i signed my drawing for final build. His staff said they would ask the gate builder why it wasnt built to my drawing and if it could be fixed. But then the owner said he wouldnt sell me any materials or fix it. And said i was no longer allowed to talk with his employees. This gate was over$750. So im out the money and have to hire a new company to build a gate. Thats going to cost a lot as well. I was told by the employee that told me how to fill out the form. That my drawing is what they will go on. But instead they built a gate to specs that they wanted. And the owner waited till christmas eve to tell me he changed his mind.