You know what I think of when it think of Outlet? Tourists. Take that how you will, but you simply can't escape them. I guess I liken them as a separate type of shopper in that just because I live near many Outlets doesn't mean I change my shopping habits when I come here. Tourists on the other hand are on vacation, stocking up because their local selection isn't as varied and usually the prices are better.
Orange isn't known as an outlet mall of sorts, but a true American legend like Levi's draws a curious crowd looking for and expecting the quality we've all come to know and love.
Lets talk fit. What happened to the 501 shrink to fit, 504 and 505 that fit me so well, now everything is skinny or slim or straight and doesn't fit an athletic thigh or calf. The modern man doesn't have to look good in so little clothing and I hate sizing up.
It's small for a company of this size, popularity and the variety isn't there, but you can get good deals with coupons. Service is excellent and they really know what they are talking about. I was able to speak with Ivan about my experiences at their dry goods and he gave me the most interesting tip in that based on my dimensions I cannot fit certain cuts, but I knew that, but to give me a list was above and beyond. It was as if he memorized the dimensions of each cut. He suggested size up and alter down the waist, but also get a longer inseam as it will give me a hair more room. No I buy 34 waist and 32-24 inseam and alter it down.