I had been a client for several years. It was a valuable resource for me with my neurodivergencies and anxiety. I needed to attend PT and was down to my last few visits for OT/PT. The owner who I was working with suggested I cease OT and attend PT with the last few visits. I truly thought she was on my side and made a good point. Unfortunately I was not in a good headspace but I thought that was a good idea. I lost my last near resource to me.
I emailed her back in august (we communicated by email and never by phone) agreeing to her suggestion and why I’d want more visits and to see if she’d send it off to the insurance company because she did say she’d write a report and do that and wanted my list. At the end of the email I asked questions about what was next and if she’d email me back if visits got approved or how that would work. I know my email went through because I got the “away message.” Months went by and no contact. I was dropped like a hot potato.
I recently emailed her to followup (also got the “away message”) and inform her of a few more details, maybe that would help me. Nothing. It hurts. I’m not sure I’d go back either. It was my only ND resource (because as we adults all know there is nothing in thurston county for adults). And now this happens.