TAKE NOTE REAL ESTATE BROKERS: For a publication whose primary revenue appears to be from real estate listings, the editor-publisher is vehemently anti-real estate development and thinks 'real estate developer' is a four-letter word.
In my experience the journalism is sloppy and the personal agenda of the editor-published clouds any ethical objectivity. For example, the publication did not accurately reported my comments for two articles.
One article inappropriately associated me with 'the lack of action' by the Neighborhood Council's Planning and Land Use Management Committee before I was ever in an official role as co-chair.
Another article associated me with a housing advocacy group because I had done some pro bono analysis for them. So what, right? Except the editor-publisher had previously led a behind the scenes campaign to rid the Neighborhood Council of anyone associated with the group.
Why? I can only speculate fear of change and/or a superficial understanding of what truly increases collateral property values.
And the last two mentions that I received in the publication completely fail to disclose that the editor-publisher was behind the complaint that led the NC's Executive Committee to publicly slander me without due process.
The neighborhood belongs to everyone who lives here, not just the editor-publisher of the Los Feliz Ledger.
Unsolicited delivery on the last Thursday of the month in the gutter where it belongs...