Caring, complete, down to earth, professional, personal, skilled, team leader and team member.
Meeting Dr St John, in 2014, without question was the most singular profound meeting of my life.
For my stage of throat cancer, a complete diagrammed plan was laid out to combat this disease.
Team members of skilled Doctors, put together.
A tumor committee that I, and my family participated with, met with this group of specialists for every step of this challenge.
This was a very hands on approach to tackling the disease, but also Dr St John wanting to know me as a person and much of my family.
To say that she is a highly skilled Doctor would be accurate. To say she includes our very human element is also true. To combine both in a caring skilled transparent way is astounding.
God has blessed her with these abilities in such a humanistic way is unbelievable.
To then see the videos online like Maies Margins, may give you an inkling of what she is like.
To see the professional lectures and presentations online ie Wynn Hotel can only make you appreciate her more.