Just had a bad experience for the 1st time. Out of all the main street marijuana spots this one was bad service. I walk in and the doorman checks my ID,looks at me in my face and welcomed me In(mind you i have my hoodie on and hood over my head). After finding out my order didn't go thru and they didn't have it because the app wasnt working. The bud tender told me just put in a another order and he will go n grab it from the back. Which was coo. We'll I did and the whole time I have my hoodie on. Not pulled over my face just barely touching my forehead. The guy at the door sees me and says can I take my hoodie off after he clearly seen me come in with it on he didn't say or speak anything of my hoodie. I told him there's so many ppl with hates on amd that my hood isn't covering my fave at all. I've always had my hoodie on no1 said anything to me.
On the window it says hate free store or zone and I definitely feel like he did just that. After that I just walked out. Because why didn't you say this to me when u was checking my ID at the door. Like I have locs my hoodie was barely on. Smh. I think he needs to do better, especially with females. 10\11\24 4pm