Why do insurance companies, attorneys, and law firms place their trust in this company? This is a great question that deserves a truthful answer. The truth is that Medical Management Online Inc. (MMO) is a horrible company that runs the equivalent of a mill that is providing UNPROFESSIONAL medical doctors and chiropractors to Insurance companies providing Independent Medical Examinations (IME) for their insureds.
A quick background check of most of MMO's contract physicians reveals that the doctors they push-off onto their clients have "discipline notices" posted against the doctors as received from state authorities. The court records of many of MMO's contract physicians also reveal very questionable pasts that also reveal lawsuits, domestic violence, unpaid debts, and other misdemeanors. Just exactly what you DON'T WANT DURING AN IME, a physician with a spotty past, predisposition to providing unfavorable results, and an individual who resorts to "unprofessional conduct".