Professional staff , a staff that after 27 years are still together making anyone experience w/ Dr Akazawa just very very pleasant. I have seen Doctor two different times for surgery with years in between each Procedure . And both times for myself were almost all together pain-free on each recovery. Huge HUGE in the market of breast augmentation... next to NO-Pain is a rarity. But not only for my self but with the 5 others I personally referred to Dr. Akazawa . All had experienced total Success....each having different procedures .
His Rhino-Plastic work IS PHENOMENAL !! I know this first hand as I referred , drove and picked up my good friend (male) and cared for him for -a week through his recovery..... and his result was unbelievable... Not one person could identity "A Nose Job" He just looked 150% better than when he went in with a good looking face, that was VERY un-even & very different looking w a naked eye, each side of his face were totally different profiles. And this was due to a broken nose back in college . After Dr Akazawa was thru with the rhinoplasty He look amazingly even and completely natural.