I started my experience at the art center with small talk at Moody’s organic coffee with an artist in residence, Karina Mago. I really felt a desire to see her work, and then the art center had an event that I couldn’t miss. I saw Karina immediately and as fast fell in love with her work, her intricate exploration of clay structure, form and surface. Somehow, a spark of my own stirred me to take Vince Petelka’s handbuilding workshop and I was hooked. The Art Center is a well organized and well lighted place. Ian Hazard has the studio so well organized and maintains excellent communication and is a plethora of information about clay, tools, artists, schools, firing types, glazes and business. I’m not patronizing; he really is a hero. The selection of artists in residence is also sensational. I want to throw Kudos to Austyn Taylor, Myung Ahn, and Lauren Stanford. Now I rent a shelf and I’m bringing Star Dog into the world of ceramics. Star Dog was created in 1979, but was stuck into a 2D world until Mendocino Art Center 2019!!