Manuel gonzaleza month agoFrom
Levi is a professional! I highly recommend you work with him to achieve your financial goals.
Lily Schroedera month agoFrom
I booked a consultation online and received a confirmation email. Shortly afterwards I received a cancellation notice informing me that “we don’t think we’ll be the best fit for your needs”. If that were the case it seems that I would be making that decision, not them. They based that off of about 4-5 preliminary questions online without ever having spoken with me. They mention on the website that there is “no account minimum” and they bring “financial planning to everyone”. That’s clearly not the case.
Alexander Renneya month agoFrom
Been a client now for about two and a half years! Initially, I had reservations about the idea of using a financial planner. This in part was due to the feeling that my relatively simple situation didn't call for it, but also that I'd be able to research and manage my money effectively and independently. I can confidently say my position now is much better than it would have been had I stuck to those convictions. The financial world is complex. Levi's overall value and attention to detail is unparalleled. His work ethic and care for clients is what will keep you on a path to success even in trying times.