A multi-use trail used by both hikers and mountain bikers.
The grade going counter clock-wise is much gentler than the one going clockwise, as it's a rather steep climb up (or down) on that side. There are plenty or ruts in the way, so careful footing is required. This is a doable DH section for an experienced MTBer. The trail itself can be dusty, hot and exposed, so dress accordingly and bring enough water to last you the hike. I believe it's around a 3 mile loop.
The top is a flat table-top plateau that gives a fairly impressive view of this section of New Melones Lake and the bridge spanning Snake Gulch below.
There is an odd looking Sonar/Plane object located somewhere on the plateau itself that stands out in stark contrast to everything else around it due to the vibrant graffiti that's been tagged on it (it actually looks pretty cool).