It's a fun playground because it's clean and the kids really enjoyed it. But you have to be careful in the sandbox. My daughter almost got seriously injured. While my daughter was collecting sand underneath, my son was dropping sand from above. He slid the bucket attached to the pole and it fell off all the way down and almost hit my daughter’s head. It's scary to imagine a bucket with heavy sand hitting a small child's head. It definitely needs a stopper on the pole to prevent it from sliding down.
I reported this to park management, but they didn't see it as a big deal. Here is their reply; "It’s unfortunate but children can and do get hurt on playgrounds. We take all precautions and do preventative maintenance on the park bi-monthly. We can take a look at the bucket. That said, we checked the specs and it was installed correctly."
Since the park management is like this, it looks like parents will have to be careful. I hope the children will not get hurt.
Best kids park I have ever seen. My 2 year old kid enjoyed a lot spending here than SeaWorld.. lol
We visited on a weekday during business hours so very less crowd