I shouldn’t share what I know about this place, but they deserve to be better known. I really appreciate having this in my neighborhood, because it makes incredible outdoor gear available so that I don’t have to fight crowds at REI or elsewhere. You can RENT expensive stuff and try it out to decide if you’d like to invest in it. They also sell their rental gear, which makes really nice stuff available at reasonable prices. The selection is quite good given the size of their store. And the staff seem friendly and knowledgeable. It’s like having your own personal shopper at REI, but without the hassle of parking and jostling with a ton of other people. I’m going to regret giving this recommendation, because it’s going to be “discovered” by a zillion people. But darn if I don’t really want to shop here all the time. And I don’t like shopping.
Chisholm and his team are awesome. Friendly, helpful, and very knowledgeable. We rented skis/boots/poles for the winter season and found additional gear we needed for ski season. The selection is great, the pricing is spot-on, and the customer service was top-notch.
We will be back and love this new store in our neighborhood