I booked an appointment with Neil almost two weeks ago in hopes of providing some relief for my hypersensitive feet. I hesitate to use the word neuropathy, as I’ve never had that diagnosed professionally, but the symptoms are there. We are talking extreme sensitivity to temperature and touch (even from my own hands). I also deal with stiffness and leg spasms, usually in the morning.
My session with Neil shocked me. It was incredibly effective. I was not prepared for the instantaneous relief. Almost immediately, Neil could touch my toes without my feet jumping. This is something I hadn’t been able to do for a few years. I sit here two weeks later and still seem to be reaping the benefits. I feel circulation in my feet again. I am so grateful that I made this appointment.
Neil was kind and made me feel comfortable with a modality he knew I wasn’t familiar with. He talked me through what was happening as we did it, and above all, healed the physical discomfort I had been dealing with for years. I know where to come next time I’m in a position of chronic pain or discomfort!