If it wasn't for this doctor my wife and I would not of had our son. he didn't deliver our son but if it wasn't for him my wife and I would've never conceived. we were trying for years and years with no luck. we went to see David and he suggested very simple procedure. my wife was having a lot of pain in her bladder so he just checked her out .He said that if we did this procedure that some of his patients in the past got pregnant right after, so we went for it....... 25 days after we were cleared for intimacy after the procedure she was pregnant. shows not to use him to deliver our child because of a personality conflict.
His sensitivity level was not enough to meet my wifes needs.
Furthermore after he found out that we would not use him to deliver our child he became extremely vindictive. He even went as far is to block some of his colleagues treating us.He even wrote a letter to is stating that if anything were to happen during pregnancy or any sort emergency or whatever he would not be there to help!
I'd callthat some sort of God Complex..... but I'm not really qualified to say.
So in closing. would I recommend this doctor to somebody ?Yes I would. because without this guy I wouldn't have my son and that would really be bad.