Nexus did good work repairing a few light that where installed by another company. I than hired them to move a few switches, install a ring door bell, install a couple of lights. Holes where drilled into my kitchen walls before they checked to see if they could do the job. They where not able to run the wire, leaving me with the holes. They reconnected the light switch, that was to be moved; it now knocks out all the power in the kitchen. The 2 lights installed over my headboard did not work. I asked the intern why they didn't work, he shrugged and said: the power works to the switch.?? What? Come to find out he hooked up the incorrect wires. I also asked the intern to put (2) 9 watt bulbs in the light he did one and not the other. The door Bell does not ring in the house. Gregg assured me I need door chimes in the house: if you push the button hard as you can once in awhile you here a ding. I have been with out kitchen, living room and deck lights since Monday and no one will call me back! What a mess and shame on you to leave a handicap female vet in this mess!!!!