Very shady company. We parked our 2016 Ford Mustang on the side of street for a few days and it got towed claiming to be an “abandoned vehicle.” How is it abandoned, we purchased new tires in January 2023 and our tabs aren’t expired until March 2023. Online it’s states that NFS Towing is open 24/7 but no one is able to release our vehicle on the weekend. Then we called 911 asking to find the police officer, who towed our car to contact NFS Towing that we want our car back because on the vehicle processing information, they checked the clause, “If this vehicle is not redeemed within 120 hours from the time of impoundment, it will be declared an abandoned vehicle and will be sold at auction to the highest bidder. RCW 46.55” That statement freaked us out because that means the deadline is February 13, 2023 at 12:00 pm before NFS Towing can claim our vehicle as “abandoned vehicles” and put it on auction. The 2016 Ford Mustang is worth more than $25,000. We got our car back but paid almost $800.00 for towing and 5 day storage. Why open 24/7 when no one can release our vehicle on a weekend? Why is our car being towed when parked at a public space with current tabs? Thanks for making our lives miserable and remember heaven has eyes. Karma will get you back sooner or later, you’ll get what you deserve. Whoever call the towing company and police is a Sunday Christian, no need to go to Church or ask God to protect you anymore.