The Pho has been great throughout the 2 or 3 times this place has changed hands in the last 7 or 8 years. The service and facade have gone down hill with every new owner.
They need better lighting in the parking lot, you can hardly tell they are open. The new owners like to party and get loud out in the dining area, which is fine if the place was packed and loud but when you're the only other person/people in there, it comes off as very unprofessional.
The service is lacking in the front of the house. The young kid and the tall white guy make me feel embarrassed for them. They make their business known in every regard, all except for the business of getting people fed and charged out. Too busy watching their phones on full blast, trying to entertain each other rather than run the restaurant and serve the customers.
Sad to see this spot make such a decline, it used to be constantly filled to capacity; now it's a ghost town.