Choose another school. They were sub-par before Covid and have only gotten worse. I’ve personally experienced everything from an instructor dropping a class the night before the quarter began (they tried to salvage that by bringing on another instructor who knew nothing about the subject), instructors who have required personal changes to standard MLA formatting that of not followed would result in a 0 grade, instructors who recorded/wrote material 6+ years ago and haven’t updated it since, instructors who refused to use CANVAS, and one instructor who insisted that their materials were under 50$ for the course (it was actually closer to 200$) and when their chosen external software & textbook company didn’t work were unwilling/unable to provide alternatives for the coursework that was due, instead suggesting that the students contact customer support because “it’s not their responsibility to fix technical issues with course materials”. I’ve also witnessed a handful of instructors ostracize and make fun of students in an attempt to “gel” with the rest of the class.
That being said, I did have 4 excellent instructors, if you decide to attend here I hope you can find a few more.