My husband and I have been through many setbacks concerning my daughter's therapies, education, and seeking out people dedicated to my daughter's future. Finding a team has proved to be so difficult at times that I began to feel alone in my ability to help her in any way I could. Despite the countless challenges, I remain determined to do whatever it takes to ensure that my daughter is provided with the most intuitive possible opportunities
I was eventually able to find a team of professionals, including an Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapist, who were committed to my daughter's success. With their help, my daughter has been able to make significant strides in her ABA therapy and has seen considerable improvement since we started working with DeShawn.
In light of this Northwest Autism Center gave my daughter another round of services. One of the most impressive aspects of the staff at Northwest Autism Center is their positive attitude, dedication, and caring nature. In particular, it consists of Lauren Maley and DeShawn, but I apologize if I spelled his name incorrectly; however, he is one of the most excellent people I have ever worked with. It can be found at 528 East Spokane Falls Blvd, Suite 14, Spokane, WA 99202, in the downtown area of the city. The commitment and enthusiasm of Lauren and DeShawn are comparable to a lighthouse beaconing the way, providing a safe and secure atmosphere for those in need.
Thanks for believing in my daughter. I really appreciate it!
Keriann Reed.