I have glaucoma and have been a patient at Northwest Eye Surgeons for years. I used to see Dr. Curatola, she was amazing. She cared and took the time to find the right combination of medication to get my pressure down. Unfortunately, she left. I am very young to have glaucoma this bad. Since Dr. Curatola has left I’ve had to see a new doctor who seemed impatient. She saw me twice and then decided to shovel me off to the main glaucoma doctor who I saw today. She was horrible! She rattled off a lot of information very fast, then said “we’re going to have surgery”. I then told her “no, we are not, we are going to try other drops”. And now I am searching for another eye doctor! She didn’t seem to care at all and said she didn’t have time for “prior authorization”! I will see her once more to tell her how I feel and I’m done with this place!