Average exterior wash that is good for cleaning dust but not bug splatter or bird droppings.
Response to owner:
When I pulled up, I asked the young attendant if the bug splatter was going to come off as this was a brand new car. He touched the windshield and said that because it was pretty fresh, "most of it should come off." In fact, none of it came off. I don't begrudge a business for making money, but be honest. I ended up having to scramble to get the car rewashed and the splatter removed as the car was being stored for a couple of weeks, and I did not want the bug splatter and bird poop to damage the brand new paint.
Furthermore, my exterior wash in Jersey does, in fact, remove bird droppings and bug splatter all the time. They spray my vehicles with bug remover, hit it with a power wash, and then run it through the car wash (I have a basic exterior wash subscription). It comes out clean every time. As mentioned above, I don't begrudge a business for trying to make money, but be honest. Anything else is a con job.