An excellent little shop that rides the line between tea house, naturopathic medicine clinic, and health food store (not to mention raw milk share! – including cream and kefir, two items extremely hard to come upon in the state of Arizona).
Amongst their purposefully limited selection (some product categories possess literally one or two items) you'll find stuff from small producers and big brands alike, all with quality in common, whether it's a topical product like Sister Root's Birch Sunbutter or one of their many fine teas.
One of the best parts – the space houses a moderately sized table and some chairs, beautifully undermining the primary purpose, one of commerce, and instead encouraging the reading of one of their carefully selected books on offer, conversation, and appreciation of food and drink.
The owner is sweet and approachable, with a rich knowledge of tea and health.
Thank you for helping me remember my dreams again!!
Can anyone say they have helped someone to dream again after a cup of tea?
After 7 years without dreaming due to having once been on a medicine which eliminated dreaming, I had tried months of nootropic herbs, roots, teas, flowers, resins, and tinctures, as well as consistent lifestyle changes, regular intermittent fasting, and adjusting to an organic, whole foods diet, I still couldn't remember my dreams if I am dreaming at all...
Then One Root Tea & Apothecary introduced me to Dream Time tea... and I dreamed again the first night of drinking the tea. This is outstanding tea with huge quality of life payoffs for me.