Osbourne Construction Co., they are a nightmare, very rude, no makers no consideration no personal education No NOTHING good, unfortunately, they behavior is extremely poor, and the worse is they were Trespassing our Residence. NO The Police or the City of Tacoma Authorities did nothing to fix the problems with this Horrible Construction Co., they are here in the morning from and before 4 am and till 6 to 7 pm., and from Monday to Sunday. Do you think this is ok. ? I try to speak with the individuals in charge they hung up on me. They were laughing @ me they call me all kinds of names and the Police did nothing. If you will read this and you can help because since I'm writing to you they are here making lots of noise and for the Authorities is ok. We the people who live here on this Street don't have any day of rest, we also work every day long hrs., and the difference is that we don't go make noise or Trespass no body's residences. I hope someone help with this situation we are having here at St Hellens Ave., Tacoma WA, and bring us peace so we can rest the are here since last year! You can see they are inside my residence. I have lots of pictures to probe this big problem. Help us to change the Rules and Regulations on this Savages because nobody wants to do nothing, talking the authorities, that is why they do whatever. Is a shame on them and the Authorities.