Not a good truck store if you are a new owner operator. They don’t offer credit buy now pay later. They will offer it to only people they know personally friend of a friend kind of thing, but if you got money, check them out, they got just about everything highly recommend for clients that have been in business.
Personally, I will not be coming back. Those that helped me grow is where I will stay. Those that didn’t give me an opportunity. I will not look back to simple as that I understand business is business, but when you provide opportunities and privileges you get rewarded with watching a company grow and staying loyal to you as a customer for giving a helping hand, and that goes along way. Personally, my thoughts. Let me know if I’m wrong or mistaken, or just asking for too much, I would like to know.
The best prices, quality in accessories, friendly treatment. More than 15 years as a customer whit OttO I recommend it to you. !!!!!