My psych themselves is pretty awesome, but the awfulness of the front desk ruins it. There's no way to actually communicate with your medical team except thru reception, who are NOT good messengers and cause so many problems and delays through their own actions & inactions.
I've now been without any psych meds for over two weeks because they won't process a single fax from another doctor, nor are they even attempting to followup themselves, despite knowing it's been sent to them. And I'm just stuck on hold for no less than 15 min any time I try to call, only to argue back and forth, have to make 3 calls to 3 other medical providers, and then be on hold for another 10-15 min, just to start the cycle of telephone with the other providers who continue to confirm that YES! they were in fact sent the information already, can you please upload and process it?
So like, maybe I'll have any of my meds around the New Years, but rather very unlikely at this point since they're still adamant it's literally every other doctors' fault they haven't done their own internal paperwork to upload a single file to my chart.
Literally my psych themselves and the fact Google doesn't do 0 star ratings is the only reason this is remotely as high as a 2, and that's being gracious since this whole issue started back at the end of November