This company is a scam. They're website hasn't been updated in 9 years. The courts are using them to exploit us by arresting innocent people and charging them with a whole bunch of crimes. But what a miracle! The system is overloaded and is willing to divert you into an 'educational program.' Just pay PES $400, the court $400 plus a slew of additional administration and court fees and it will all go away ;) After receiving multiple emails, texts and phone calls about the seriousness of attending this class, the late and no-show fees and how tardiness will not be tolerated, you and 20 others show up to the class. Oops! PES forgot to have their people show up. You wait for an hour, calling the numbers, sending texts. But strangely, PES phones aren't setup to take voicemails, and the number you are attempting to reach is not accepting calls at this time. You show up in court with a list of every other person who was there with you, their phone numbers, selfies of all of you in front of the building, timestamps and videos. You explain this to the judge but... Sorry, you didn't fulfill the terms of the court order and now you're going to jail for 3 years. Fortunately PES got to keep all that money and didn't have to do a thing.