Please don't ever make the mistake of using this company! Their report and estimate was misleading, the service performed was not what was agreed upon and their overuse of product left my family sick for several days.
We were pressured by the company to respond quickly to their estimate because it was during quarantine and they told us if we didn't agree immediately, they may not be able to schedule us. So we agreed, before we read their estimate closely enough to realize that all the recommended work was just that, recommendations and what they were charging us well above what any termite company has ever billed us before was simply to "spot treat" several areas on our garage and pergola.
I would just accept this as our naivete, except the worker who came did not perform the spot treatment agreed upon in the contract. Instead they sprayed a borax-based spray over the entirety of our patio and front of our garate, waving it like a fire hose gone wild. They sprayed so heavily that our upstairs balcony glass doors were entirely covered in white spots. This is not spot treating. The result is that not only did their spray destroy a hummingbird nest--which was in an area that shouldn't have been treated--and messed up the ph of our vegetable garden, but it triggered our allergies and made us all cough and have headaches for several days.
In addition, although the work was done during the stay at home order when the Mayor ordered safe distancing and no sharing tools between workers, these workers were not wearing masks or gloves and shared all the tools.
I confronted the owner who at first tried to convince me that our allergies were from pollen because he'd "never heard of someone having problems with Borax," then, when I offerer to send him allergy tests conceded that it might be possible but assured me his workers only spot treated, until I offered to show him the ring videos to the contrary. Worst of all, when I reminded him about the safe distancing and that his workers are vulnerable, he told me that these guys live next door to each other, so if one is going to get Covid-19, the other is going to get it anyway.
Please don't support a company like this!