If you order take out.. the chances your food is not as good as you’d get it in-house is VERY high.. cmon now let’s use common sense… hot food inside a container will get soggy & wet, so understand that & stop complaining just because you spent money somewhere YOU CHOSE to spend money on.
If you don’t like spicy, cheesy, or meaty/non-vegetarian or vegan foods… then definitely consider not going to a Mexican restaurant. It’s not their fault they can’t accommodate to your personal diet, that’s your preference not theirs.
Also, treat the restaurant as you would your friend’s house…because we ARE your friends ☺️ would you go in your friends house & be rude, short tempered, or demanding when they openly welcome & invite you to meals & drinks they’re hosting for you? On busy days & nights at our house it’s difficult to be perfect for you so please give us some patience & leniency, we love you if you give love to us too❤️❤️
Palenque is a very loving, welcoming, & inviting family of workers who are here for you 7 days a week. But if you choose not to be respectful, considerate, or loving in return, don’t be upset with us, because providing everything you want is what we WANT to do for you. So let’s be practical & fun together & for each other 😇😇 Thank you! I love you 💘 🇲🇽 🌯 🌮