Omg! This place was AMAZING! Im going back to explore some more, didnt have time to look at every nook and crannie! I bought so little but happy with my purchases. I was looking at EVERY little thing, It was as though I was going back in time, so many variations of items, it was so exciting. I dont know if I'm over reacting or if I just haven't been to one in a long time but either way what I saw was phenomenal😀 And - Everyone asked if we needed help. We had to come back after our movie to finish looking, and Suzy was awesome in her assistance and so kind. I will definitely be back as I didnt finish looking at everything. As I thought I was done shopping, I was waiting for my friend and I stumbled upon the only 💟 shaped iron frying pan!😆 I had to get it, and so I did! Thank you-PASADENA Antique Store.