If you've ever had sugar ants, you know they are sent by Cthulhu itself! We battled the evil little (insert curse words here) for about 3 years before we couldn't handle it anymore.
PestStop came out and treated our home. The first month was strange because the ants were insanely disoriented and would swarm into complete stupidity. We noticed a huge decrease in the amount of them but they would still occasionally pop up in new spots like under the washer/dryer, cupboards and even the bathroom!!
Every time the ants show up, we call PestStop and they come out as soon as the following day with bait traps to place in the problem areas. By 7-8 months, we were hooked and continued the service into the following year. In the last six months, I think I’ve seen two ants, in two different spots and that was it. IF another nest show up, I am confidant we will nip it in the bud within days.
On top of taking care of the horrid ant problem, they also service other pests at the same time as a part of the service! Wasp/hornet nests, rats, and I am sure other bugs that I am not familiar with. No additional charges to come out for spot treatments!
*Please keep in mind (and they informed me of this at time of initial service), sugar ants are very difficult to get rid of permanently. They move from spot to spot and often split to make new nests with their own queens.