After nearly 30 years with Peter Weiss (Peter to me) the first 28 of which were so good, it's time to go.
No patient deserves to hear by rapid-fire voicemail at 8:20 am that despite 3 negative tests, they have to undergo a surgical procedure "because I want it anyway." Nope! Not this patient. I'm not a slab of meat nor am I stupid. Tell me why. Make me part of the process rather than drone on about the pronunciation of the last name of the doctor to whom you're referring me.
Nor does any patient (who was also friend enough to be fixed up with his "more socially-conservative-than-me" brother"), need to hear her gynecologist's political perspectives 2 years in a row while sitting on his examination table.
When I am your patient, it is absolutely inappropriate to take advantage of that relative power differential to "own this lib." You don't get to pound your chest at me out of nowhere and emphatically raise your voice at me declaring "Black Lives Matter??? What about MEEE? What about MY life?!" Even if I agreed with him, And I Don't, that's a violation on every level and I won't stand for it.
This is no longer safe space. I don't feel cared for especially when he explicitly told me, "I haven't done anything special for you." You know what Peter? You're absolutely right. I'm out.