This is a insurance gaming company. Please don't go there. They will take off your therapy credit and money from your insurance company without even telling you. It will take months to figure out that they have cheated you. You may be in jail as insurance company may think that you have cheated them instead.
FYI Lacey doesn't know anything more than scheduling appointment so not sure why she was there. For all billing discrepancies you need to check Kevin only.
Disappointed with follow up, billing and insurance claims I have never went to the therapy but they have charged my insurance 13 times. They have used my husband's insurance information and claimed for me also since for dependent its only a suffix change. They are using the free therapy credit from insurance company just like vaccination to get the amount from the insurance company without involving me. When I reached out to them, they told they will reverse the claim but its being more than a year but the claim is not yet reversed.
I have filed appeal and complaint with my insurance company. Be cautious of sharing your insurance information to them as it stays in their file and they can use it anytime they want without your consent for claiming free therapy insurance credit just like the way it happened to me. Do check the claim history for you and your dependent periodically. Never utilize this as a method to reduce your deductible/out of pocket as its legally wrong.