Wow! What an impact PRC (Dr Pierce and Dr Ringstad) have had on my quality of life in only a month of treatment.
In my late 50’s but continued to do martial arts and acrobatics at a high performance level until wear and tear on my body, exacerbated by a neck injury last year (that I ignored but turned out to be worse than I understood it to be) all but stopped me from training. I went from doing 10 sets of 15 pull-ups to not being able to do any pull-ups at all, from 5 sets of 50 push-ups to 4 sets of only 20, and I could no longer support myself in handstands whereas before the injury I could hold a free standing handstand for 1 minute. This has a significant impact on my work as well. I am on the computer 8-10 hours a day but I could not sit for more than 5 minutes without tremendous pain pulsating down my right arm, I was constantly fatigued and had a hard time concentrating.
Now, after 4+ weeks of treatment and healing, I have no pain in my arm, am back to doing 5 sets of 50 push-ups and 10 sets of 13 pull-ups, and (I just learned) lost 7 pounds now that my body is getting “turned back on,” as they say. I have more work to do to get back to 100% but at least I know I’m on the path and moving quickly. PRC has brought quality living back into my life! Thank you PRC!!!
PS A special shout-out to Dr. Kaur, MD at Sutter for taking an open minded wholistic approach to healthcare and referring me to PRC.