I invested twice with this company. The first time I received a certificate. The second time:
"You were sent an email giving you an update on March 20th about the stock certificates but I will reiterate what it said for you. All stock certificates purchased through November 30, 2016 have been mailed out. Any stock certificates purchased after December 1, 2016 will be put on hold until after the IPO closes." In addition, you were already sent your SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT via email immediately after you made your purchase. That is the LEGAL BINDING DOCUMENT proving that you own stock in the company. The stock certificate is merly for your satisfaction. The stock certificates are coming, they will be sent once the IPO closes. Punch TV Studios"
That was March of 2017. Guess what, nothing! So, where is the money we invested? I saw a law suit that was started in 2021. Why do this to people?