One of greater Seattle's best water delivery services with exceptional customer service, punctuality, and no hidden fees. My delivery guy was Kelvin Hipp, and he has always been on time and calls me right upon arrival. I have never once had an issue with their services. I would trust this company to auto-bill my credit card each month because you are in good hands. The quality of the water tastes great, and I recommend trying their alkaline water.
Before using this company, I used Crystal Springs for two years and hated it. We heard about them from Costco, and their service was terrible. On top of that, we feel we billed incorrectly many times by them with hidden fees, and the delivery guys were many days late a lot of the time and we were always out of water to drink in our household. They were unresponsive many times, their phones had consistently long wait times, and their agents didn't seem to care about providing us with the best service. It appeared they didn't care about their customers so we were not a big fan of their business practises, and that's why they lost our business. Since Costco is also from the Kirkland area, I am surprised they decided to partner with Crystal Springs (by Nestle) instead of a more robust company like Purified Water To Go.
I’ve never used your service but your delivery guy delivering to 3rd and Virginia in downtown Seattle at 11am on 09/29/23 was offering to dump water on a homeless guy who didn’t want to move. The homeless guy wasn’t in his way and had nothing to do with your water, your employee just wanted to offer to be horrible to someone obviously worse off. License plate number C45442E.
Edited to correct 3rd and Virginia, not 4th.
Final edit to clarify: I was passing to enter the parking garage, and saw the security guard for the garage was attempting to convince a sleeping homeless man to leave, the water guy called out from the curb 6 feet away offering water to dump on the guy and held up one of the partially empty jugs he was loading into his car, the security guard ignored him. The water guy then got into his small van and left.