The WORST customer service I have EVER experienced. Lost my credit card on Friday night, called the store immediately as soon as I noticed it was gone. They said they had it, that it had been turned in, would be held for me and that I would need to give them the last four digits when I went to pick it up. All they said. Fast forward to Sunday morning. I'm suddenly told, "oh, we don't have it". Excuse me?! "Oh well after 48 hours they get destroyed." Well, first of all, it's been 36 hours. Second of all, why would you not tell me this when we spoke on the phone?!?! I would have come immediately.
Moral of the story, they mislead you, they lie to you, and the B with an itch that was at the counter this morning was an unhelpful, miserable human being. So now I'm without a card for up to 10 business days while I get a new one sent.