To the store director Joseph Maranan: I shop at Safeway executively for the rotisserie chickens; they are juicer, and far more favorable than Fred Meyer's which tend to be dry and not tender. Yet since Thursday, 10/17/24 the ovens which produce the rotisserie chickens have been broken and not providing this product contrary to what your website and mobile app claims is available in your store. I am very disappointed and displeased with this false advertisement.
The revenue this store location is currently generating due to price increase and inflation etc., should surely enable the ovens to be fully operational by now. Yet Tuesday, 10/22/24 the ovens have not been repaired and are non-operational.
I'm very disappointed and inconvenienced this product is not readily available when needed within my immediate community. What is being done to rectify this situation expeditiously? Does Todd Kammeyer have to be contacted as well?