Jim Bonney18 days agoFrom
Jamie saved my life today. I've been seeing Jamie for a year now, weekly, for allergy shots. I am easily one of the most sensitive patients she has, per her admittance. I've even made her life more difficult by recently welcoming a new pup into my house whilst being allergic to dogs. She's handled it with grace. Today, due to my sensitivity and living environment, I had a very bad reaction to a treatment. This is not normal for Jamie whatsoever, as she has an incredibly conservative treatment method. Regardless, she was calm, cool and collected and handled me like a pro. She saved my life today, and not only this, I actually left my appointment a very reasonable amount of time after said emergency. The real trick is knowing how someone reacts in an emergency. I know for a fact as of today that if there's an emergency, it's Jamie's chair I want my butt in. You should want yours their too, because not only is she experienced, highly skilled and professional, she's also incredibly interesting and personable too. Look far and wide if you want, but after today I couldn't possible have more confidence that Seattle Allergy Ninja is the absolute best game in town, and I'll be 20 minutes early for my appointment next week because Jamie's just that good. Jim B.