If you are looking for mortgage loan steer clear of this place. There is no reason that a lender working in today's market shouldn't be able to close a conventional loan in 21 days. Not only can they not close a loan in 21 days, they can barely close a loan in 40 days. After a 2 year roof certification was provided (which oddly had to be paid for prior to close of escrow) and a report showing that the roof had over 5 years life expectancy (apparently one of their conventional loan requirements) this lender held off on sending out the initial closing disclosure (which has to go out 3 days prior to close of escrow by law) because the earlier dated roof report stated that there was debris (leaves) on the roof and the lender stated that she needed a report showing that it had been removed. Having a lender like this doesn't only add stress to an already stressful situation but can actually cause your deal to fall through. This lender needs to get out of the lending industry and move on to a different industry that doesn't require any communication because it definitely is not her forte.