Went in today to pick up my online order I placed a day ago.
It was a few items and I already received my email saying my order was ready.
When I walked up to the door, there was a girl with a little table, and it had a bunch of goodies on it for some sort of promotion. It was pretty crowded, so I just tried to get into the store quickly. Because that ended up bottlenecking a bunch of people at the front of the door. There was an associate standing at the front and she didn’t even say hi when we walked in she just kinda looked at us and then I went on my way to the front.
I get to the front after waiting in line and I’m probably told that she can’t help me because there is an online pick up order section tucked away in a teeny corner near the hair care section. My friend and I are squeezed into it can only be described as a teeny little aisleway. People kept bumping into us as I tried to get the attention of two sales associates who were standing there.
When the sales associate scanned my code for my pick up order, she said that it was under a different name? I checked my account and there’s no such evidence of that but I do see that they cancelled my order. I didn’t get any notifications. Or emails about this.
I saw they cancelled it, because one item a foundation from urban decay was out of stock. One of the girls looked up and said oh that’s weird. We usually don’t cancel orders if one item is out of stock.
They said that they could just go around the store and look for my items to redo the order. Nothing was explained to me. I didn’t even know if I was refunded or not yet for the cancelled one. The other associate they asked to help me didn’t even know where the items were, and she actually ended up following me around the store while I went to go pick them out! She was nice but didn’t talk much. We went to the foundations section to get a sample of the one that was supposedly out of stock, but it turns out that all of the foundations were in stock so they cancelled my order for nothing!!
The entire reason that I made an online pick up order was to go through Klarna because I have an upcoming trip but I still needed some things and had to budget. Doing it on payments was easier and because of the stores incompetence I had to pay full price today. I also didn’t get any samples which is one of the key things that I always loved about shopping at Sephora :(
I think at this rate, it’s probably better to get your make up from a drug store or online because the service in here is not it. Also, I’m not usually that sensitive to smell, but it was so disgustingly overpowered with male cologne and perfume in there that I actually started to feel sick. That seems to be an ongoing comment amongst a lot of reviews and I think that they should take it seriously!